November 2021 |
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" Mister Higgs e il bosone maledetto (black cover)
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" La fisica di LHC: “Viaggiare nel tempo" fino alle origini del nostro universo (black cover)
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" Genesi: Il grande racconto delle origini (black cover)
October 2021 |
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" Oltre il bosone: l'infinitamente piccolo e l'infinitamente grande (black cover)
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" Il tempo (black cover)
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" La scoperta del bosone di Higgs ad LHC ed il suo impatto (black cover)
- Films&Slides - "Guido Tonelli" La strana nascita dello spazio e del tempo (black cover)
- Films&Slides - opened new section "Guido Tonelli" (black cover)
August 2021 |
- Last Frontiers - The Monster of Milky Way(black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Wather in the Universe -Other Words (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Hunting for the edge of space (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - The Fermi paradox (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Anthropic principle (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Cosmic Rainbows (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Big Bang (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Eclipses (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Gravity (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Cosmic Rays (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Stephen Hawking. The Theory of All (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Beyond the Borders of the Universe (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - The dark side of the Universe (black cover)
- Last Frontiers - Dark Energy (black cover)
- Added New section Latest Frontiers (black cover)
March 2020 |
- ITASP: Simple Guides - Mercurius (azure cover)
- ITASP: Simple Guides - 8 planets from "" (azure cover)
- ITASP: Simple Guides - added new section for Sun Planets (azure cover)
February 2020 |
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Nettuno (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Uranus (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Jupiter (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Mars (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Heart (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Venus (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Mercury (black cover)
- Experiments: Planets on Relief - Saturn (black cover)
July 2019 |
- The nigth on the Moon (black cover)
- Modern Art: Nebulae (lilac cover)
December 2018 |
- Experiments: Projector forPlanetary (beige cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M101-M110 (heaven cover)
October 2018 |
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M91-M100 (heaven cover)
September 2018 |
- Experiments: Portable Planetary (beige cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M81-M90 (heaven cover)
- Interactive Plays: Puzzles (yellow cover)
August 2018 |
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M71-M80 (heaven cover)
July 2018 |
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M61-M70 (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M51-M60 (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M41-M50 (heaven cover)
February 2018 |
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M31-M40 (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M21-M30 (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M11-M20 (heaven cover)
December 2017 |
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Telescopium (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Columba (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Pictor (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Scutum (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Reticulum (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Sculptor (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Octans (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Norma (heaven cover)
November 2017 |
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Microscopium (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Mensa (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Monoceros (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Horologium (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Circinus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Volans (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Tucana (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Triangulum Australe (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Phoenix (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Pavo (heaven cover)
October 2017 |
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Indus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Hydrus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Grus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Dorado (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Chamaleon (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Musca (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Fornax (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Caelum (heaven cover)
September 2017 |
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Apus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Added Planisphere South Map (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Antlia (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Sextans (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: M1-M10 (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: The Messier Catalog (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to Messier Catalog: Map of the Objects (heaven cover)
- Opened new section on Messier Catalog (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Leo MInor (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Crux (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Camelopardalis (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: INDEX (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Linx (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Vulpecula (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Canes Venatici (heaven cover)
- Art: Prodromus Astronomiae (lilac cover)
August 2017 |
- Experiments: A Simple Telescope (beige cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Triangulum (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Piscis Austrinus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Pyxis (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Vela (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Puppis (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Carina (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Corona Australis (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Lupus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Centaurus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Ara (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Lacerta (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Lepus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Equuleus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Sagitta (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Crater (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Corvus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Hydra (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Eridanus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Ophiuchus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Serpens (heaven cover)
- Puzzles 1-10 (yellow cover)
July 2017 |
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Taurus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Coma Berenices (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Canis Maior (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Drago (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Virgo (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Scorpius (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Sagittarius (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Pisces (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Perseus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Ursa Major (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Ursa Minor (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Pegasus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Orion (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Lyra (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Leo (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Gemini (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Hercules (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Delphynus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Corona Borealis (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Cygnus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Cepheus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Cassiopeia (heaven cover)
June 2017 |
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Capricornus (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Canis Minor (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Cancer (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Bootes (cowherd) (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Libra (balance) (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Cetus (whale) (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Auriga (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Aries (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Aquila (heaven cover)
- Simple Guide to the Constellations: Andromeda (heaven cover)
- New section "Simple Guides": Acquarius (heaven cover)
- New section "Experiments": A Simple Spyglass (beige cover)
May 2017 |
- Added 6 new Nebulae to Recompose Play (yellow cover)
- Interactive Plays: Recompose - Nebulae (yellow cover)
- Interactive Plays: Memory - Nebulae 1 (yellow cover)
- Curiosities: Nebulae 1-10 (violet cover)
March 2017 |
- Theatrum Mundi (lilac cover)
February 2017 |
- De le Stelle Fisse (lilac cover)
November 2016 |
- Viewer of Constellation (yellow cover)
- Plates of the Sky 3 (silver cover)
October 2016 |
- 5 cartoons from ESA for Kids (black cover)
- 9 films on Sun & Solar Planets (black cover)
- Plates of the Sky 2 (silver cover)
- Plates of the Sky 1 (silver cover)
- Movies on Solar System (black cover)
- Between the Stars (green cover)
- Starting of the Project