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click per ingrandire - click to enlarge
WARNING:some GASTROPHODA Families, like MANGELIIDAE, MITROMORPHIDAE and RAPHITOMIDAE missed and landsnails under bulding. We hope to realize a new version before year-end.
These tables illustrate the shells of all mollusks of the Mediterranean Sea and the landsnails of the Italian territory. With the participation of teams from other countries will be added other tables adapted to the situation of each country.
Tables are splitted in two images The best is to print a single part in a cm 50x35 format, but the cheapest way is to print each half table in A3+ (plus) format. This mean to obtain two papers of about cm 45x32 that may be mounted into a showcase of cm 45x64

Click on left or rigth link to download. Each half table is about 6Mb and of 3500x5000 pixel resolution.