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curiosity number 063
Luigi Giannelli
The Glory of the Sea
    The Glory of the Sea, the Queen of the Oceans, are just some of the names of this extraordinary and legendary shell, perhaps the most famous of all the shells. There are many amazing stories, and even fanciful, the Conus gloriamaris (Chemnitz 1777), like the one that tells the rich collector Danish Christian Hee Hwass, possessing the only copy known in Europe, when in 1792, crushed beneath his feet after immediately bought it at an auction, a new copy so that his could continue to be the only one. For nearly two centuries, from the earliest records in 1757, were very few specimens known. This fueled the idea that the species was extinct. In 1957 he fished over fifty specimens in New Guinea, and one hundred and fifty on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, which were sold between 1000 and 2000 dollars each. Currently, not as rare as once more, it continues to be considered among the most attractive collection shells.