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curiosity number 058
Mario Fedi
Shells that produce energy
    Some abysmal shells are able to efficiently convert hydrogen into energy from their cells. These shells have been found by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen ( MARUM ) faults in hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor and have found out about their symbiotic bacteria that convertiscono hydrogen into energy. Since the faults were discovered hydrothermal vents on the seafloor , the researchers studied two especially energy resources of marine life : water sulfide and methane . Now experts have discovered a third MARUM energy resource in the Atlantic, vinous equator (latitude northern 14:45 ' , longitude 44:58 west ' ) , on the site hydrothermal Logatchev , 300 meters below sea level. Experts have brought the shells to the lab and have realized that they use a different energy than those known earlier. "Seconds to our calculations , the oxidation of hydrogen to that fault produces seven times more energy than the oxidation of methane et 18 times more oxidation of sulphide ," said the researcher Jillian Petersen . The shell in question , Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis is the most prolific in this region, and this population consumes 5,000 liters of hydrogen per hour. According to these faults Petersen hydrothermal vents, which are located along the chain of seamounts in the ocean, can be considered as " a highway full of service stations ." Who knows, one day the man parties can "fill " by these cells loaded hydrogen .