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curiosity number 019
Luigi Giannelli
20000 Leagues Under the Sea
    We all know this extraordinary adventure - fantasy novel , a famous work of Jules Verne, but not everyone knows that the legendary Captain Nemo loved the shells so as to collect them . In one chapter , where Nemo show his "guests forced " the wonders of the Nautilus says so :
In addition to the works of ... art, natural rarities occupied a very important place , were mostly plants, shells and other products of the ocean, probably from the same Captain Nemo found . In the middle of the room a jet of water, electrically lit , fell into a tub made of a single Tridacna.Questa shell, due to the larger of acephalous molluscs , measured , laced gently on the lips , a circumference of about six meters , therefore exceeded size in the beautiful clams that were given away to Francis I by the Republic of Venice, and the church of Saint Sulpice in Paris , he made gigantic piles for holy water. Around the tub , under elegant windows with copper armor , they were distinct , with their own tags, the most valuable products of the sea that eye as a naturalist had ever seen ... A conchigliologo a little weak nerves would certainly be unconscious before other more numerous windows , which were divided by the copies of the type of molluschi.Vidi there a collection of inestimable value , the description of which would require too tempo.Basterą that I remember the elegant royal hammer the Indian Ocean , from regular white spots that stood out strongly on a dark red background , one spondylo imperial brightly colored entirely covered with thorns, rare specimen in European museums , which I estimated the value of twenty thousand francs a hammer common seas of New Holland, hard to find, exotic hearts of Senegal, fragile white shells , bivalves , that a breath would be enough to undo like soap bubbles ; many varieties of Aspergillus Java , especially in calcareous tubes , bends and foliacee highly sought after by amateurs , a whole series of big logs , some greenish-yellow , caught in the seas of America , the other of a reddish brown , preferably living in the waters of New Holland , and these from the Gulf of Mexico, and notable for the hawksbill shell , stellar ones found in southern seas , and finally, more rare than any other, the magnificent spur of New Zealand, then , cockles sulfurate beautiful , valuable species of citeree and Venus , and the Solarium angraticolato the coasts of Tranquebar , and the turbo marbled with gleaming mother of pearl , and green parocchetti of the China Seas , and the cone of cedonulli almost unknown , and all varieties of porcelain serving of money in India and Africa , and the Glory of the Sea, the most valuable shell of the East Indies , for fragile and delicate that science has baptized with the names of the prettiest ...