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curiosity number 018
Diego Ferri (photo Stefano Guerrieri)
Cloth from shells
    The Pinnidi are the largest bivalve existing in the Mediterranean: the shell of P. nobilis can in fact reach and exceed 80 cm in height. These molluscs possess a very long fine linen, formed by strands silky and shiny it takes to keep them anchored in a vertical position with the shell half covered with sand. In ancient times the fin was actively fished because the fine was fabric like silk, in a soft fabric and delicate quality rare and expensive, and that was once reserved only for the king.
In the Mediterranean area, and not only that, since the times of ancient Rome, and until the beginning of the last century, the fine filaments of Pinna nobilis were processed to produce high-quality cloth and exclusive use of noble and important people. There are few relics of the past come to the present day. In this photo a glove manufacturing Taranto of the nineteenth century.
Today the tradition is kept alive by a single Sardinian artisan. Annual production of 300 grams of cloth. The most important, always, it seems, is really made of fine linen, is venerated as a veil offered by Veronica for the burial of Christ, preserved in the Sanctuary of the Holy Face in Manoppello (PE) (Italy).