Familia: BURSIDAE Thiele, 1925
num. spec. 95
this is only an example, only 2 species of 95 are included. The first row show how appears speciem with no photo,
try to click on the images of Bufonaria marginata to see the real size of the photo (not of the shell)
Bursa scrobilator scrobilator Linn ,1758
= minor (Pallary,1900) [Bufonaria] scrobiculator var. ** Mediterranean
= pesleonis (Schumacher,1817) [Bufonaria] ** Mediterranean
= scrobiculata AA ** Mediterranean
= scrobiculator AA ** Mediterranean
mm 50-60 Mediterranean
Bufonaria marginata (Gmelin,1791) [Buccinum]
= brocchi (Bronn,1824) [Ranella] ** Mediterranean
mm 30-35 Mediterranean