
International Teaching MalacologyProject

A.M.I. Associazione Malacologica Internazionale

before its official establishment (year 1984), was already actively engaged in its field of activity and much of its collections was widely accessible.
The Association was established on 11.14th.1984 by public deed registered at the Civil Court of Rome. On 01.01th 1990 was included in the Board of Cultural Institutions under the supervision and protection of the Ministry of Culture and Environment Act (04.02th1980 No 123, as amended in Law 11.17th.1996 n . 534).
On 06.11th..1992 the Association obtained by ministerial decree, the recognition of legal personality (G.U. no 42 of 02.20th.1993). In 1995, the Association was included in the Register of the Cultural Institutes of the Lazio Region under the Regional Law 08.09th. 1991 no. 35 (speeches preservation, enhancement and dissemination of regional cultural patrimony institutes, as amended in Regional Law no. 42 of 24.11th.1997). On 07.20th./2001, by Act no. ACT (CAP201) the Republic of Seychelles has seen the establishment of IMASey as branch overseas AMI